SAY GOODBYE TO PIMPLES, CONGESTION AND ACNE Clear, Bright, Beautiful Skin Can Be Yours
Discover how Spark can give your skin health, vitality and a clear complexion. Book a Free consultation online or call us at 212.245.0940
Breaking the myths on breakouts.
We tend to think of acne and breakouts as a teen concern, but pimples can pop up at any age, and often when we least desire them.
Dirt, debris and dead skin cells coalesce to contribute to the unsightly appearance of blackheads, whiteheads and pustules. Stress, dehydration, lack of sleep, hormonal imbalances, and less than ideal skincare habits all play their part in wrecking havoc on the skin.
At Spark, we offer our clients a sophisticated array of treatments to deal with skin congestion, breakouts, and acne. If your skin shows signs of discoloration and scarring we can also treat these concerns as well.
Taking a very personalized approach, our experts will put together the perfect program for your skin. We will also teach you how to better care for your skin at home.
At Spark, you can feel confident that your skin will become healthy, vibrant, and free from breakouts.
Skincare Tailored To Your Needs

Stop The Breakouts and Clear-up Your Complexion

Bring Your Skin To a Whole

New Level of Perfection

The Ultimate Deep Clean Therapy TM
At Spark, we promise that you will love the skin you see when you look in the mirror. Our innovative Deep Clean Therapy Facial offers the most advanced and effective treatment for acne, breakouts, blackheads and congestion. Experience your skin as nature intended it to be… healthy, well-balanced, hydrated, and radiant.
Spark Laser Center and Medical Spa is recognized as “The place to go for beautiful, healthy, blemish-free skin.”
60 minutes / $ 295
Sparks Platinum Hydrafacial
This is the ultimate skin perfecting facial. Our Platinum Hydrafacial combines the very best of advanced technologies and human ingenuity to restore skin health and balance.
Manual extractions enhance the efficacy of the Hydrafaicals vortex technology for deep cleaning in the deeper layers of skin. Powerful, personally tailored serums, and boosters restore the skin’s health and promote a vibrant appearance. LED light therapy treats acne at its source and a soothing, nutritive, proprietary treatment mask clarifies and revitalizes your complexion.
75 minutes / $ 400
Sparks Signature Hydrafacial
Our Hydrafacial uses a unique, patented Vortex-Fusion delivery system to exfoliate, extract impurities, and hydrate skin. Highly targeted ingredients are used to address the individual needs of your skin.
Spark’s Hydrafacial is like no other; utilizing proprietary protocols and sophisticated expertise that makes all the difference in the results one achieves. Emerge from this treatment with healthy, glowing skin.
45 minutes / $ 295
XY Perfecting Facial For Men TM
The intelligent man knows how to take care of his skin, and when it comes to taking care of it well, no one compares to the expertise and technologies offered at Spark Laser Center and Medical Spa.
Spark’s XY Perfecting Facial is completely customized to address the needs of your skin. We use the most advanced facial equipment and patented products to deliver a treatment with superior results.
Your skin will feel refreshed, hydrated, and remarkably clear and vibrant.
60 minutes / $ 295

Go Deep

Microneedling and The Clean Start Facial
Microneedling is one of the most effective approaches for treating acne, scarring, and pigmentation irregularities associated with frequent breakouts.
At Spark, we take this therapy beyond the results achieved at typical spas and medical practices.
Your treatment begins with a thorough and relaxing cleansing of the area being treated. A numbing cream is then applied, and allowed 30 minutes to take effect.
Once your skin is numbed, your aesthetician will apply a new, sterilized needle head to the tip of the microneedling instrument. The needle depth and thickness are carefully selected to ensure the most desired results.
Your skin will bleed during the treatment as the needles produce micro-wounds on the surface of your skin. A sterilized, gauze pad is used to clean the skin throughout your treatment. Specially formulated serums are also applied to deeply purify, and hydrate your skin.
Following treatment, your skin will be red for a few days. The micro-wounds are invisible and clients typically return to work and resume their regular activities the same day.
The full results of your treatment are seen within 3-5 weeks as new collagen and elastin are formed, and healthier skin cells emerge.
60 minutes / $ 595
The VI Peel for Acne, Breakouts & Skin Discolorations
The VI Peel is the most powerful epidermal peel available today for the treatment of acne and skin discolorations caused by pimples and pustules.
With the VI Peel, multiple layers of skin are shed simultaneously. This prompts the dermis to create new and healthier skin cells. You’ll see a dramatic reduction in breakouts, and skin discolorations. Your complexion will appear more refined, healthy, and well hydrated.
45 minutes / $ 450